- Stastna, Kazi. "ANALYSIS: Horn of Africa Famine as Much about Geopolitics as Drought - World - CBC News." Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2011/07/25/f-famine-somalia-analysis.html>.
- "K'naan on Somalia on MSN Video." MSN Video. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/knaan-on-somalia/16a2gvqxq>.
- Ighobor, Kingsley. "Africa Renewal | Famine in Somalia and the Horn of Africa: Tackling the Evils of Famine." Welcome to the United Nations: It's Your World. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <http://www.un.org/ecosocdev/geninfo/afrec/newrels/horn-of-africa-famine.html>.
- Hanson, Stephanie. "Al-Shabaab." Web. <http://www.cfr.org/somalia/al-shabaab/p18650>.
- Guled, Mo. "Somaliland Ready to Aid Famine-hit Somalia | SomalilandPress.com."SomalilandPress.com | Somaliland News | Somalia News | Ethiopia | Kenya | Djibouti | Breaking News. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <http://somalilandpress.com/somaliland-ready-to-aid-famine-hit-somalia-23278>.
- Godoy, Julio. "Global Warming Behind Somali Drought — Global Issues." Global Issues : Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All — Global Issues. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <http://www.globalissues.org/news/2011/08/26/10989>.
- Getachew, Samuel. "Prime Minister Harper Discusses Government's Role in East African Famine Relief."
- Sway Magazine. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <http://swaymag.ca/2011/90/prime-minister-harper discusses governments-role-in-east-african-famine-relief/>.
- "African Success : Biography of K'naan WARSAME." African Success : People Changing the Face of Africa
- "Horn of Africa." Alliance For Peacebuilding. Web. 05 Dec. 2011
- www.wfp.org
- www.care.ca
- http://multiculturalcookingnetwork.wordpress.com
- http://maritimers.ca/tags/horn-of-africa
- http://www.bar-kulan.com
- http://www.pch.gc.ca/pgm/ceem-cced/symbl/df1
- www.un.org/en
- image by J.J. Andersson, 7 Mar 2002
- www.topnews.n.nzet
- www.zunia.org
- "GICLogout." GaleNet. Web. 10 Jan. 2012 <http://find.galegroup.com/gic/retrieve.dosgHitCountType=None>.
- "GICLogout." GaleNet. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <http://find.galegroup.com/gic/docRetrieve.dosearchPageType=BasicSearchForm>.
- A Spiritual Response to Drought and Famine- Database Article
- Horn of Africa- Human Trafficking on the Rise Amid Drought and Famine- Database Article

Sunday, 15 January 2012
Through the use of technology I have learned to blog and share my opinions with others. It has helped me learn a lot about the African Famine Relief and I'm sure others have learned something too. It is very useful and easy to be able to use the internet to do this project, but I also found myself really easily distracted. Overall, it made it fun to share my topic through a blog where you can put your own personality into it from multimedia elements as well.
Thursday, 12 January 2012
"The challenges of change are always hard. It is important that we begin to unpack those challenges that confront this nation and realize that we each have a role that requires us to change and become more responsible for shaping our own future." -Anonymous
I chose this topic because I have a passion for Africa. Everything about it; nature, beauty, culture and the people. For something that has been going on for twenty odd years, I am surprised as to how many people are clueless about this issue, myself including. And then I ask why? Why is it that people don't care? These are human beings suffering, it is not just an issue of drought or global warming; it could of been me or you. Now the thought of apathy comes to mind, if this was happening to you, would you want the whole world to care? Yeah. So, why not do the same even if you aren't a victim? Money is what is needed to rid this famine. I thought that it wouldn't be a problem, if the whole world donated a fraction each of what money is needed then it would be solved. Well, I have definitely learned that it won't happen. We've all got to be for it; the African politicians, England, North America, Japan, me, you! If there isn't full support all the time, all these problems won't be solved. It is not just a food issue or a drought issue. It's agricultural, it's money, its controlling the warfare. The number one thing I have learned is that IT IS HARD. It's hard to resolved this famine if there is more then one cause to the problem. I don't care if geologists saw this drought coming and they could of prevented it. The thing is, that it happened and it is real. I now understand that the world is doing the best it can under these difficult circumstances and it is much more of a bigger issue then first glancers make it out to be.
I chose this topic because I have a passion for Africa. Everything about it; nature, beauty, culture and the people. For something that has been going on for twenty odd years, I am surprised as to how many people are clueless about this issue, myself including. And then I ask why? Why is it that people don't care? These are human beings suffering, it is not just an issue of drought or global warming; it could of been me or you. Now the thought of apathy comes to mind, if this was happening to you, would you want the whole world to care? Yeah. So, why not do the same even if you aren't a victim? Money is what is needed to rid this famine. I thought that it wouldn't be a problem, if the whole world donated a fraction each of what money is needed then it would be solved. Well, I have definitely learned that it won't happen. We've all got to be for it; the African politicians, England, North America, Japan, me, you! If there isn't full support all the time, all these problems won't be solved. It is not just a food issue or a drought issue. It's agricultural, it's money, its controlling the warfare. The number one thing I have learned is that IT IS HARD. It's hard to resolved this famine if there is more then one cause to the problem. I don't care if geologists saw this drought coming and they could of prevented it. The thing is, that it happened and it is real. I now understand that the world is doing the best it can under these difficult circumstances and it is much more of a bigger issue then first glancers make it out to be.
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www.zunia.org |
Hope. It is such a weak word that people throw around like it is nothing. But for the people of the Horn of Africa, it is all they have left. I thought I would share this story with you guys. You don't have to agree with this woman's opinion but take time to consider the situation she is in and exactly why she feels this way; because nothing else is working! I find this story very inspiring and interesting; I wonder how many other victims feel this way spiritually.
"A famine is ravaging in the Horn of Africa. In Kenya, where I live, it is estimated that close to four million people are faced with starvation. Many have died, livestock and animals have been wiped out, and the pictures of suffering are disturbing. Nevertheless, in the true spirit of good neighborliness, Kenyans have made donations big and small to help ease the effects of a drought said to be the severest in more then fifty years. Other donors have included foreign governments, United Nations bodies, local and international non-governmental organizations and many more. How do we find our way out of this drought and famine? And how can we find a permanent solution to the seeming cycle of suffering and relief, which has a way of repeating itself with the vagaries of climate and harvest? Many good suggestions have been discussed, including the rehabilitation and management of water resources for irrigations, the drilling of boreholes, the farming of high nutrition, drought resistant crops, and potential dietary changes among local communities. But to be able to turn this around in meaningful and lasting ways, we must also mentally turn upward from the material picture of lack to understand and focus on God's abundance. This spiritual stand is what will ultimately bring about the required shift."
''It is better to light a candle than to curse the dark''
- K'naan
"A famine is ravaging in the Horn of Africa. In Kenya, where I live, it is estimated that close to four million people are faced with starvation. Many have died, livestock and animals have been wiped out, and the pictures of suffering are disturbing. Nevertheless, in the true spirit of good neighborliness, Kenyans have made donations big and small to help ease the effects of a drought said to be the severest in more then fifty years. Other donors have included foreign governments, United Nations bodies, local and international non-governmental organizations and many more. How do we find our way out of this drought and famine? And how can we find a permanent solution to the seeming cycle of suffering and relief, which has a way of repeating itself with the vagaries of climate and harvest? Many good suggestions have been discussed, including the rehabilitation and management of water resources for irrigations, the drilling of boreholes, the farming of high nutrition, drought resistant crops, and potential dietary changes among local communities. But to be able to turn this around in meaningful and lasting ways, we must also mentally turn upward from the material picture of lack to understand and focus on God's abundance. This spiritual stand is what will ultimately bring about the required shift."
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www.topnews.n.nzet |
''It is better to light a candle than to curse the dark''
- K'naan
This story breaks my heart. The people of the Horn of Africa need compassion. These countries need to stick together for support, not distance themselves. One's desire to escape the evils of the famine has led them and many others down another path of despair. Check it out:
"Amina Shakir(not her real name) fled the drought and famine in Somalia for a better life in Kenya. But she did so illegally, placing her faith in the hands of a criminal network headed by agents of Swahili. In the end, her faith was misplaced as she was 'sold' into employment upon finally reaching Kenya. But Shakir is not the only one illegally crossing the border into Kenya. Natural disasters, armed conflict and famine devastating the Horn of Africa have caused an increase in the region. Womankind Kenya, a non-governmental organization based in Garissa in Kenya's North Eastern province estimate that fifty young girls are trafficked or smuggled to Nairobi from here and Somalia each week. Nairobi is the central market from where girls are distributed to different parts of Kenya and to other countries. Tour operators and hotel workers work as brokers and charge a fee of six hundred dollars for young girls aged ten and fifteen years who are mostly sold into sexual slavery. Traffickers prey on drought, poverty and conflict in the Horn of Africa to smuggle people to Nairobi and across the world with promise for a better life. Trafficking persons is now criminal and people involved in or convicted of the offence face a thirty year jail term and a fine of three hundred thousand dollars. The provincial police office in Coast Province says, 'One hundred and forty people are arrested weekly after being smuggled or trafficked into Kenya amounting to 7280 arrests per year.'"
"Amina Shakir(not her real name) fled the drought and famine in Somalia for a better life in Kenya. But she did so illegally, placing her faith in the hands of a criminal network headed by agents of Swahili. In the end, her faith was misplaced as she was 'sold' into employment upon finally reaching Kenya. But Shakir is not the only one illegally crossing the border into Kenya. Natural disasters, armed conflict and famine devastating the Horn of Africa have caused an increase in the region. Womankind Kenya, a non-governmental organization based in Garissa in Kenya's North Eastern province estimate that fifty young girls are trafficked or smuggled to Nairobi from here and Somalia each week. Nairobi is the central market from where girls are distributed to different parts of Kenya and to other countries. Tour operators and hotel workers work as brokers and charge a fee of six hundred dollars for young girls aged ten and fifteen years who are mostly sold into sexual slavery. Traffickers prey on drought, poverty and conflict in the Horn of Africa to smuggle people to Nairobi and across the world with promise for a better life. Trafficking persons is now criminal and people involved in or convicted of the offence face a thirty year jail term and a fine of three hundred thousand dollars. The provincial police office in Coast Province says, 'One hundred and forty people are arrested weekly after being smuggled or trafficked into Kenya amounting to 7280 arrests per year.'"
Sunday, 8 January 2012
There is no one set solution to ending this famine, except the fact that these countries need money; 2.5 billion dollars. But that's not going to happen right away, many countries and organization make many contributions to help ease the effects of the famine.
The vice president of Somaliland, Abdiraham A. Islmail declared a meeting at the Presidential Palace to discuss providing aid to famine stricken Somalia. This would be the very first time Somaliland will dispatch a humanitarian aid to another state. The Somaliland government believes they were ready to send relief aid to Somalia's suffering people and that it will collaborate with the international community.
Presidential spokesman Abdullahi Mohamed Dahir said the three point plan is:
1. Somaliland's readiness to collaborate with international efforts to fight the famine in Somalia.
2. Somaliland was ready to send its own aid and to establish a seven member emergency humanitarian committee.
3. Somaliland will provide its Port of Berbera to the international community to deliver aid destined for Somalia and that Somaliland will put great emphasis on successful delivery.
- Somaliland, once part of Somalia, dissolved its union with Mogadishu in 1991 and has ever since enjoyed a relative peace.
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image by J.J. Andersson, 7 Mar 2002 |
On Monday November 21st, the United Nations Food Security Nutrition Analysis Unit lifted it's famine designation for three regions in Somalia; Bakool, Bay and Lower Shabelle regions in Somalia. In Nairobi, South Africa began airlifting 264 tons of Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) member states' food assistance to Mogadishu, capital of Somalia. Even though the UN downgraded its famine status in these regions the food assistance will not be in vain. If anything, the downgrade proves that food aid has helped decrease the threat of famine in these areas. The food will then be distributed by members of the World Food Program but now it all depends on how successful the food will be distributed throughout Somalia, and we all know why there would be a problem. The al Shabaab militia, which controls much of Somalia, has banned the World Food Program from the areas they control. Smart thinking, the World Food Program has partnered with aid agencies who are allowed to work in these areas, so food aid can be distributed in al- Shabaab territory, no problem. Even with food aid, the famine is still severe in Mogadishu and other parts of the country. A spokeswoman from Nairobi, Susanna Nicol says that, "poor infrastructure severely hampers aid efforts in the war torn country." ![]() |
www.un.org/en |
Prime Minister Harper's first opportunity to visit Africa was in 2007; it was when he attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Uganda. Mr Harper notes, "Canada and much of Africa have a lot in common. Vast geographic distances and breathtaking natural beauty among them." For many years, Canada has been involved with the African continent through traditional aid and development programs! Canada should be most proud of last years Muskoka Initiative; it was announced at the G-8 in 2010 that the total Canadian contribution for Maternal, Newborn and Child health would be $2.85 billion over five years.
A question was asked of Harper: "Why is it important for governments such as ours to still be engaged in world affairs and especially in time of great need?" The Prime Ministers answer was simple: "Canada is one of the most fortunate countries in the world in so many ways. When you are this fortunate, it is important to do what you can to help those who need help. It's as simple as that and Canada will always do its part."
Canada has already committed $22.3 million dollars which has gone to programs like the World Food Program, The UN Refugee Agency, World Vision, Oxfam Canada and Doctors Without Borders to help Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Canada has also provided enough funding to help provide access to water and sanitation services in Kenya.
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http://www.pch.gc.ca/pgm/ceem-cced/symbl/df1-eng.cfm |
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